Collection: Paleo Powders

paleo powders logo At Paleo Powders they formulate products based on whole foods, high nutritional value and (r)evolutionary principles. Our nutritional supplements support you if you want to thrive better and function optimally in accordance with your original biology. Just like your early ancestors!

Today's world is completely different from the world in which we evolved as homo sapiens. The foods we eat and the nutrients we need are clear examples of this vast discrepancy. Our former natural environment and today's man-made reality no longer coincide in many areas. Sometimes, meeting the nutritional needs we need to feel good and live vibrant lives can be a challenge.

Because you no longer eat nose-on-nose, choose native wild plants, or have the opportunity to find freshly picked, ripe, organic fruits and vegetables, your body is not getting enough or the right natural nutrients, energy and health information it needs to function. This makes you less robust, less lively and less healthy! You know it, you feel it and you see it. Luckily there is something you can do about it!

Paleo Powders aims to give back to you, the modern man, what nature needs in a practical, logical and high-quality way. This allows you to be the best version of yourself. Their products are nature-based and compatible with their original biochemistry and DNA. They provide an excellent basis for health and performance.

Because everyone is so different, inside and out, Paleo Powders doesn't approach "paleo" dogmatically. They leave room for new developments, biochemical individuality, personal views and personal tolerances. Paleo Powders products fit seamlessly into the modern era while offering the natural nutritional value of the past.

Don't you also find it ironic that humans, the most intelligent creatures on earth, are the only species that doesn't know what to eat? No other living thing has this problem. The cause? We have the most powerful brain in the world. We use it not only to solve problems, but also to create them. Because we can customize our environment and food like never before, and transform unnatural ideas into tangible things, we have moved further and further away from the natural norms upon which our bodies evolved.

The solutions to nutritional confusion can be found through an evolutionary thought process. This applies not only to nutrition, but also to other problems that have arisen! You can find an evolutionary framework for nutrition in the primal diet, the paleo diet or the traditional diet. With a few simple guidelines, you can free yourself from artificial diets, dogmatic thinking and short-sightedness.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Just do what has been done for thousands if not millions of years and don't conform to the man-made diets of recent times. Within the evolutionary framework of nutrition, you have a lot of leeway to tailor your diet to your own wants and needs.

Use the following points along with the commonly used paleo diet frameworks to further optimize your daily, weekly and monthly diet. You will soon find that this way of thinking feels very natural and is easy to apply.

  • Unprocessed and unsprayed, (fresh & organic)
  • Seasonal fruits, vegetables and plants
  • Local
  • nose to tail
  • Sea products and meadow meat

Remember that food not only provides energy, but also micronutrients and information. What you eat is important, but don't forget to keep your mitochondria and gut flora in good shape. These work with your food.