The Carnivore diet

Our online portal was named after the Carnigore Diet, which came from the English-speaking world. This is a diet in which only foods of animal origin are eaten. The menu includes meat, fish, eggs and dairy products (depending on tolerance), it is seasoned with salt.

On Carnigoro®Find only carefully selected premium products of grass-fed grazing inder. With the gentle freeze-rocking of our bovine organs, 95% of all vitamins, minerals and trace elements are contained in the bovine organ capsules.

You will also find useful products such as digestive enzymes, ox bile or kefir products that can meaningfully supplement a carnovore diet.

FAQs on the Carnivore diet and our products:

What are the benefits of a carnivore diet?

  1. Elimination of all potentially problematic foods that often cause intolerance in people. These include FODMAPS (single and multiple sugars and sugar alcohols), gluten, fiber, lactose, yeast and alcohol.
  2. High in protein: Faster, longer-lasting satiety can make weight loss easier
  3. Benefits of Ketosis: People on a carnivore diet often report less brain fog, less mood swings, and less daytime sleepiness due to the small blood sugar swings associated with ketogenic diets
  4. Simplicity and time savings: The carnivore diet is limited to a few high-quality foods of animal origin. Daily calorie counting, matching ingredients or weighing portions are not necessary. Time for shopping and preparing food is limited.

What can you eat on a carnivore diet?

Meat: beef, lamb, bison, poultry, game, etc.

Fish: salmon, mackerel, sardines, shrimp, lobster, mussels, oysters, etc.

Other animal products: eggs, lard, bone marrow, bone broth, sebum, cavier, etc.

With the Carnival diet, you can Eat all animal products , Including muscle meat (beef, chicken, pork and more), fish, eggs, dairy products and offal. The classic, strict variant of the Carnavore diet (also Lion diet) allows only beef, salt and water.

With the much less restrictive animal-based diet, you can eat meat, fish and offal as well as dairy products, easily digestible fruits and honey. You will soon find more information about the different variants of the Carnigore diet in the carnivoro guide on carnigoro. eu

Who should supplement with organ capsules?

If organs are eaten regularly, then, most likely, there is no need for additional intake of freeze-dried organs capsules.

Our products (such as. B. Beef Liver Capsules) Are primarily intended for people who do not want to prepare organs themselves regularly or who cannot make friends with the taste.

Bovine organs (especially liver) contain more vitamins and minerals per gram than any other food with particularly high bioavailability.

During gentle freeze-drying, approx. 95% of all nutrients in the organs are preserved. This is significantly more than with conventional forms of preparation (frying, cooking or boiling).

Can you lose weight with the carnivore diet?

Especially in the first 4 weeks of a carnivorous diet, many people lose a lot of weight. By switching from carbohydrate to fat metabolism (ketosis), fat burning is stimulated, since the body lacks all the carbohydrates for energy production.

At the same time, part of the glycogen bound in the muscle is flushed out, which can lead to surprisingly rapid weight loss, but does not significantly affect the body fat percentage.

Due to the high protein content of a carnivore diet, however, a feeling of satiety often occurs much faster, since proteins create a permanent feeling of satiety. The consumption of carbohydrates creates a feeling of hunger after a short time.

Is the Carnivore Diet a Ketogenic Diet?

Typically, a ketogenic diet is said to be when more than 70% of the calories consumed come from fat and the rest comes from protein. Whether your body is in ketosis on the carnivore diet is influenced by several factors.

  1. Meal plan: When and how often do you eat?
  2. Fat content of food: what types of meat are eaten? Do you also consume animal fats such as lard or butter?
  3. Activity level: Do you do endurance sports regularly?

Anyone who enjoys eating fatty meats, eats more than once a day, and does endurance exercise several times a week will most likely have no trouble getting into ketosis. If a lot of protein is consumed with little fat, then the carnivore diet is most likely not ketogenic. If you want to be on the safe side, use Keto urine test strips.

Are organ capsules also suitable for my children?

From the 10th The daily micronutrient requirement (vitamins, minerals and trace elements) of children differs only slightly from that of an adult. Therefore, nothing speaks against the administration of the daily dose recommended by the manufacturer in children from 10 years of age.

Since our freeze-dried organ capsules are extremely rich in vitamins, the daily dose in younger children should be adjusted according to the current DGE guidelines and in consultation with the pediatrician.

Is a carnivore diet expensive?

With good planning and proper design, the carnivore diet is no more expensive than other forms of nutrition. High-quality foods such as organic eggs, organic minced beef, offal (liver, heart or spleen) and canned fish are comparatively cheap to buy. The same applies to animal fats such as lard or beef tallow, which can often be bought particularly cheaply from the local butcher.

A carnivore diet also saves a lot of time. Since you limit yourself to a few, high-quality foods, you save time when shopping and cooking. The washing up should also be limited for most carnivore dishes. In our carnivoro guide you will find a separate article on this topic.

Why does the bone broth start to clump when infused?

Since our beef bone broth is a pure product without any additives and binders such as soy alecitin, it can tend to lump when stirred too slowly.

Ideally, a milk frother is used to stir the Bone Broth to avoid the lump.

A simple video tutorial you will findHere on our Bone Broth product page.

What snacks can I eat on a carnivore diet?

Boiled eggs, lactose-free cheese such as Parmesan, Gouda, Emmental or Pecorino, mini salami or chorizo, canned fish (tuna or sardines), mini meatloaf, beef jerky or biltong, smoked salmon, cold cuts, bacon.

The best carnivore snacks are unprocessed animal products . If you're on a carnivore diet due to an autoimmune condition, it's best to eliminate all salted, smoked, or otherwise processed animal products.

When is the Carnivore Diet effective?

Some people can see significant changes in just a few days or weeks, while others often take many months to adjust to the new diet.

We recommend sticking to the Carnivore Diet for at least 4 weeks if there is no medical need to stop the diet early. The first two weeks are often overshadowed by the symptoms of keto flu, where the body rebels against the dietary change before adjustment can take place.

How common are nutrient deficiencies on the carnivore diet?

With a classic carnivore diet, which is limited to the consumption of muscle meat and salt, nutrient deficiencies are unfortunately not uncommon. Because raw muscle meat contains only very low concentrations of vitamins A, C, E, B5 and B9 (folic acid). Supplying the body with the minerals calcium and magnesium and trace elements such as manganese, fluoride and iodide is also problematic if only meat is eaten.

Especially with the classic, highly restrictive variant of the carnivore diet, the additional intake of certain supplements can be particularly useful here. We have compiled the most important supplements for a classic carnivore diet for you in our carnivoro guide .

Are there studies on the effect of the carnivore diet?

There are already first empirical studies on the carnivore diet. Probably the best-known study was published in December 2021 by scientists from Harvard University . Over 2,000 participants who had been eating a purely carnivore diet for at least 6 months were asked about their state of health, eating habits, diet motivation and potential nutrient deficiencies (analysis of laboratory data).

The main reasons for starting a carnivore diet were:

  • Weight reduction (78% of respondents)
  • Increased ability to concentrate and more energy (74% of respondents)
  • Allergy, skin, or autoimmune diseases (56% of respondents)
  • To improve digestion (52% of respondents)

After evaluating the survey, the following results were found, among others:

  • 95% of respondents improved their general health
  • 91% of those surveyed had a significantly longer feeling of satiety and fewer food cravings
  • 83% of those surveyed reported a significantly increased ability to concentrate
  • 95% of respondents improved or eliminated their digestive problems
  • 92% of respondents improved or eliminated their skin conditions
  • 89% of respondents improved or eliminated their autoimmune disease
  • The average BMI (Body Mass Index) of the participants improved from 27.2 to 24.3

Of course, these study results are only a first indication of the potential benefit of a carnivore diet for weight loss or alleviation of the symptoms of autoimmune or skin diseases and requires further scientific investigation.

Because this is a survey, no causal relationship can be established between the Carnivore Diet and improvements in specific health markers. However, the results confirm the thousands of testimonials that can be read online.

Don't I need the vitamins from fruits and vegetables?

All vital, essential nutrients are found in sufficient concentrations in animal foods. A balanced nose-to-tail carnivore diet provides the body with all the important nutrients.

The following nutrients are found in usable concentrations and with high bioavailability even only in animal foods:

Creatine, Carnitine, Anserine, Taurine, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin K, Riboflavin, Biotin (B7), Iron, Iodine, Zinc, DHA, EPA




Are grass-fed animal products really that much healthier?

Meat, organs and products from grass-fed animals contain higher concentrations of the healthy omega-3 fatty acids ALA, EPA, DHA and DPA.

While the difference in muscle meat is comparatively small, organs of grass-fed animals often contain 20-100 times the concentration of omega-3 fatty acids.

In addition, the germ load in grass feeding and pasture farming is significantly lower than in conventional forms of husbandry.

Isn't red meat carcinogenic?

According to the current state of research, there is no reason to assume that the consumption of red, unprocessed meat increases the risk of cancer.

A detailed article on why this is not the case can be found in our Guidebook

What is meant by "nose-to-tail"?

In a "nose-to-tail" carnivore diet, all parts of the animal are basically eaten to ensure that all important nutrients are consumed.

It is believed that this type of carnigoran diet most closely reflects the diet of our early ancestors.

A "nose-to-tail" diet is particularly rich in vitamins and important protein complexes such as collagen, which are often neglected in a conventional diet.

If you do not want to forego the advantages of "nose-to-tail" nutrition, but cannot make friends with the consumption of organs and meat parts containing your colleagues, it is best to supplement it with beef liver capsules and beef bone broth.







Do you not get gout from meat and organs?

Gout is a metabolic disease in which excess uric acid is deposited in the joints in crystalline form.

Since meat and organs contain purines (the precursor of uric acid), gout patients are usually recommended to have a low-purine diet.

However, the most recent research findings show that uric acid levels can only be influenced by diet by 14-16%. Furthermore, gout patients often have a genetic predisposition to elevated uric acid levels.

Not meat or organs but obesity and heavy alcohol consumption are the greatest risk factors for the occurrence of a gout attack.

Fructose is also similarly problematic because, similar to alcohol, it inhibits the excretion of uric acid in the kidneys.

Coffee and vitamin C-rich foods have a uric acid-lowering effect.

Worries, through a strict carnivore diet (if fructose and alcohol are avoided) of developing gout are unfounded.

  • No medicinal product

    The indicated recommended consumption amount must not be exceeded. Dietary supplements must not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet or a healthy lifestyle.

  • storage

    Keep closed, cool, dry and out of the reach of children.

  • Legal notice

    Our products are used for nutrition and therefore do not affect the Medicines Advertising Act (HWG). A good nutritional status can help the organism prevent or overcome diseases. All statements made about the product describe properties and physiological effects that can naturally be different for consumers and do not represent any healing or health promises.

Vegan diets don't work. Here's why

  • Weight reduction

    The main reason for the Carnviore diet is the associated, often significant, weight loss. Omitting sugars / carbohydrates reduces insulin secretion and reduces appetite. Due to the increased protein content of animal foods, a feeling of satiety sets in much faster. At the same time, more energy has to be used to burn proteins than is the case with fats or sugar. Most people can get by with just one or two meals a day. Cravings / cravings for certain sweets disappear after a few weeks.

  • In chronic inflammatory bowel disease

    The carnivore diet is particularly popular with people with IBD (especially ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease) and often causes a rapid improvement in the symptoms of the disease after just a few weeks.

    In IBD patients, the intestinal wall is often significantly damaged / irritated. The omission of all pro-inflammatory carbohydrates (refined sugar, non-soluble fiber, etc.) often leads to a rapid resolution of the symptoms.

  • For skin diseases and allergies

    A carnivore diet is usually low in carbohydrates and high in protein and fat. This may reduce inflammation that often occurs with skin diseases and allergies.

    In addition, certain plant-based foods such as gluten, soy, nuts, or allergens that are prevalent in plant-based foods can cause allergic reactions in some people.

    By switching to a strict carnivore diet, almost all allergens taken from the food can be excluded.

  • To increase general well-being

    The Carnviore diet, when designed properly, is a ketogenic diet. This means that the body uses ketones as its primary source of energy. Commonly, people on the ketogenic diet report the following benefits:

    • increased insulin sensitivity
    • Stable energy level due to lower blood sugar fluctuations
    • Reduction of brain fog
    • better concentration and attention
    • increased fat burning
    • improved fat metabolism
    • significant weight loss
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  • Who can participate?

    In order to participate in the study, we need a blood result from before the diet change and a blood result during the carnian diet. You should have been carnivor, animal based or on a comparable diet such as a paleo-ketogenic diet with a high meat content for at least 2 to 3 months.

  • What data are needed?

    The data should include at least a small blood count and blood lipid levels (cholesterol), but ideally even more. They themselves are treated in a socially anonymous manner.

  • Carnivore Questionnaire

    In addition, the questionnaire (s. Below). This takes approx. 5 minutes. You then send this along with the blood tests to: