Collection: Nordic Kings Supplements

As Nordic Kings Supplements describes themselves, "We're a bunch of health geeks, biohackers, and paleo enthusiasts who want to make the world a little better by breaking down the barrier to eating really good offal."

How did Nordic Kings start?

The idea behind Nordic Kings supplements came about when you were looking for a dietary supplement yourself. They quickly discovered that none of the supplements on the market lived up to the high standards they held for a really good offal supplement.

Among other things, the guts came from countries with poor animal welfare laws, no certifications that couldn't guarantee quality, and they used heat drying instead of freeze drying to save money.

Nordic Kings wanted something better.

They wanted an offal supplement that was of such high quality that they wanted to eat it themselves, but they also wanted to be able to recommend it to their friends and family with a clear conscience.

Since this was not available on the market, you decided to develop one yourself.

The result of months of hard work and searching for the absolute best offal was not one, but three offal supplements. Made exclusively from 100% grass-fed offal from Swedish, organic and KRAV-certified cattle.

What Nordic Kings believes in

Pure and natural products
They believe in offal without many unnatural additives, growth hormones, antibiotics and pesticides. They must be pure and natural products without any strangeness.

They want you to know exactly what you are getting and what you are investing.

Ethically raised animals
Their main principle is to only use offal from ethically raised animals that have been allowed to live happy, stimulating and healthy lives and that have been fed the foods they were actually intended for.

With Nordic Kings products you can be absolutely sure that the animals are always doing well.